Become a Patron and support Strawberry Hill House & Garden

Strawberry Hill House & Garden, created by Horace Walpole in the 18th century, has been open to visitors for over 250 years. This extraordinary building is internationally famous as Britain’s finest example of Georgian Gothic revival architecture and home to an important collection of paintings and objects.

Patrons play a key role in bringing the rich experience of the house and garden to life for visitors and in preserving it for future generations. As an independent charity relying on self-generated income, our Patrons’ fund is vital and helps with essential conservation work, supporting the needs of our collection, maintenance of the house & garden and our learning programmes.

Horace Walpole was a leading patron of the arts, as were subsequent owners Lady Waldegrave and the Stern family. As a Patron you will be joining a community of important supporters safeguarding the splendour of this historic gem. Your patronage will also be vital in ensuring we can grow and develop our audiences.

Once you join our family of Patrons, you will enjoy a range of benefits including behind the scenes tours and talks, private entertaining opportunities, and invitations to special events.

Strawberry Hill House Patron

£1,000 per annum

  • Unlimited admission to Strawberry Hill House to view permanent and temporary exhibitions
  • Bring a guest free of charge
  • Invitations to exhibition private view, events, talks and curator-led tours
  • Patrons receive a copy of each exhibition catalogue
  • 10% discount in the shop
  • Editions of Serendipity, our Patrons’ newsletter
  • Acknowledgment of your support on our website and annual report, unless you wish to remain anonymous
Become a patron

Strawberry Hill House Walpole Patron

£5,000 per annum

  • Unlimited admission to Strawberry Hill House to view permanent and temporary exhibitions
  • Bring a guest free of charge
  • Invitations to exhibition private view, events, talks and curator-led tours
  • Patrons receive a copy of each exhibition catalogue
  • 10% discount in the shop
  • Editions of Serendipity, our Patrons’ newsletter
  • A private tour of the House followed by lunch or afternoon tea with the Director or Artistic Director of Strawberry Hill House
  • Advance notice and offers on private hire opportunities
  • Acknowledgment of your support in the House, on our website and annual report, unless you wish to remain anonymous
Become a walpole patron

“It’s a gem that we should all treasure”
Alan Titchmarsh, Honorary Patron

“Where you’ve known a caterpillar,
here you’ll find a butterfly”
Sir David Attenborough

Where your money will go

The money raised by this important Patrons’ Scheme will create a fund for the Strawberry Hill Trust charity, which will enable the house and garden to remain open to the public. The income will also finance the repair and maintenance of our Grade I listed building, caring for the garden, supporting our education programme, building our collection and continued conservation needs.

If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim 25% gift aid on the donation part of your gift.

Patron application

Please contact our Membership team if you would like to receive either a hard or digital copy of our Patron Pack.


For further information please contact our membership team on:
+44 (0)20 8744 1241

Support Us

Support Us - Image

We need your support to keep the house open for generations to come. Become a member or donate to our fundraising initiatives today.

House & Garden

House & Garden - Image

Strawberry Hill House is internationally famous as Britain’s finest example of Georgian Gothic Revival architecture.