Become an American Friend and support Strawberry Hill House & Garden

Welcome to Strawberry Hill House & Garden. Created by Horace Walpole in the 18th century, Strawberry Hill has been open to visitors for over 250 years. This extraordinary building is internationally famous as Britain’s finest example of Georgian Gothic revival architecture and home to an important collection of paintings and objects.

Horace Walpole was a pivotal figure in 18th Century society, literature, art and architecture. The third son of Sir Robert Walpole, Britain’s first Prime Minister, Horace was author of ‘The Castle of Otranto’, the world’s first Gothic novel.

In 2000, Strawberry Hill House & Garden was saved by the local community who raised significant funds to completely restore this unique ‘little Gothic castle’ and enable it to welcome visitors again.

As an independent charity relying on self-generated income, our American Friends are vital as they help with essential conservation work, maintain the house & garden, support the care of our collection and enable our learning programmes.


USA Donors

Donors in the USA can make tax efficient donations to Strawberry Hill House & Garden by donating through CAF American. You can donate online here: CAF America – nominating Strawberry Hill Trust (268 Waldegrave Road, Twickenham, TW1 4ST, UK) as the recipient of your gift or complete this form and return it to CAF America.


Strawberry Hill House Walpole American Patron

£5,000 per annum (or dollar equivalent if paying through CAF America)

  • Unlimited admission to Strawberry Hill House to view permanent and temporary exhibitions
  • Bring a guest free of charge
  • Invitations to exhibition private view, events, talks and curator-led tours
  • Patrons receive a copy of each exhibition catalogue
  • 10% discount in the shop
  • Editions of Serendipity, our Patrons’ newsletter
  • A private tour of the House followed by lunch or afternoon tea with the Director or Artistic Director of Strawberry Hill House
  • Advance notice and offers on private hire opportunities
  • Acknowledgment of your support in the House, on our website and annual report, unless you wish to remain anonymous
Become a walpole american patron