The UK’s most sustainable flower festival returns this September, transforming Strawberry Hill House & Garden into a faery-tale realm where imagination runs wild.
For one magical weekend, The Faery Tale Castle will burst into bloom, as over 30 of the UK’s most pioneering floral artists conjure up spellbinding displays inspired by folklore and faery legends. Using only homegrown British flowers and sustainable techniques—free from floral foam and single-use plastics—they will weave nature’s untamed beauty into every corner of this gothic masterpiece.
Guest curated by botanical artist Gaia Elkington, alongside co-curator Leigh Chappell, this year’s festival will see Strawberry Hill House become The Faery Tale Castle. Expect spinning wheels, a witch’s perfumery, flying carpets, a goblin market, and even a giant spider lurking in the gardens.
Where better to host such daring floral artistry than the little Gothic Castle that Horace Walpole designed for theatrical illusion, enabling artists to show visitors “the extraordinary possibilities of botanical art.”
With a dazzling mix of artistic expression, sustainable floristry, and faery-tale magic, this festival promises to be unmissable. Join us for this extraordinary adventure through faery-land and let your imagination bloom.
Tickets available from Friday 12 – Sunday 14 September:
Adult House & Garden Entry: £19 (Early bird) £22 (Standard)
Student House & Garden Entry: £14 (Early bird) £15 (Standard)
Child (Up to 14) House & Garden Entry: £9 (Early bird) £10 (Standard)
Due to the nature of the art, the show will run for only three days and ticket sales are limited to protect this grade one listed building. Pre-booking is strongly advised.
Sneak peak of the exhibits to expect
See below for a full list of flower festival contributors
The Faery Tale Castle Talk and Tour Late
Friday 12 September. Doors open 6:30pm, Talk starts 8:00pm
Tour the festival at it’s Faery Tale best as the evening draws in, then relax in the Gallery with a glass of fizz and listen to Sophie Powell who will be demonstrating the magical art of creating avant-garde flower crown.
The Faery Tale Castle Candlelit Late
Saturday 13 September. Tickets for arrival in slots from 6:00pm-8:00pm.
Tour the festival at it’s Faery Tale best as the evening draws in with a glass of fizz in hand.
Dried Flowers Workshop with Layla Robinson
Friday 12 September, 12:00pm
Details and bookings to follow for this event.
Floral Arrangement & Photography Tips Workshop with Leigh Chappell & Janne Ford
Saturday 13 September, 12:00pm
Join as Floral designer Leigh Chappell and flower photographer Janne Ford talk through designing a floral arrangement for photography. Included will be advice and ideas for capturing standout imagery for social media.
Enjoy afternoon tea at the festival in the beautiful surroundings of The Garden Café. Choose from a Classic or Vegetarian Afternoon Tea for just £24 per person.
Pre-order a special Flower Festival Picnic, you can choose from either the ‘Classic’ or ‘The Garden Picnic’, just bring a blanket, pick up your picnic on the day and enjoy.
Gaia Eros Florals | @gaiaerosflorals
Leigh Chappell Flowers |
Char Johnston Floral | @charjohnstonfloral
Lilian’s Flowers | @lilians_flower_diary
Myrtle and Smith | @Myrtle_and_Smith
Acacia Creative Studio | @acaciacreativestudio
April Rose Flowers | @april_rose_flowers
Bohotany | @bohotany
British Flowerman | @british_flowerman
Candie Payne | @candiepayne_artist
Changing Seasons |
Chatu Madhvani | @chatumadhvani
Cosmos & Plums | @cosmosandplums
Cotswold Botanical | @cotswoldbotanical
Dan Hillier
Debrah J Flowers | @debrahjflowers
Design By Nature | @designbynatureflowers
Dreamers Are Welcome | @dreamersarewelcome
Embrace The Space | @embracethespace
Emma Hilton Ceramics | @emmahiltonceramics
Emma Phoenix Flowers | @emmaphoenixflowers
Flowers For Good | @flowersforgooduk
Gabrielle Coulter | @gabriellle.c
Gaia Eros Florals | @gaiaerosflorals
Hamsey Belle | @hamsey_belle
Henck Roling | @henckroling
Immortal Botanica | @immortalbotanica
Jane Sked Creative | @janeskedcreative
Kuit Design | @kuitdesign
Layla Robinson Design | @laylarobinsondesign
Lunaria Somerset | @lunariasomerset
Mad Iris | @madirisconcepts
Margot Connop | @m._.escargot
Marina Ritschel | @marinaritschel
Meesh Nah | @meesh_nah
Melisa Zulu | @melisa.zulu
Millie Uhlein | @millieuhlein
Minnow & Wolf | @minnowandwolf
Nong Smitinand Flowers | @nongsmitinandflowers
Rebel Rebel | @rebelrebele8
Sandra Hurst Chico | @sandrahurstchico
Studio Lupine |
The Gardener’s Farmhouse | @thegardenersfarmhouse
Tom Butler | @tjb_artist
U.Fl.O |
Vanessa Jayne Design | @vanessa_jayne_design
Wild Stems | @_wildstems_
Wildstone Floral | @wildstonefloral
WILT Studio | @wilt_studio
WoodeNZone | @woodenzonedriftwoodart
Yan Skates | @yanskates